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What Can You Do?

What can you do About/On/With this web site? Well, I guess that depends on why you came here in the first place.

If you performed a "search" for a particular company to find their web site, it's probably listed here somewhere being complained about and the search engine you used has previously "scanned" and "cached" my web site and knows that that company's name is listed here somewhere. If you weren't looking for complaints about a particular company but ended up here anyway, I can only apologize for the way search engines work, but I can't fix that.

If you're here because you need help filing a complaint against a company, I'm here to help as best as I can. I'm putting together a "How-To" to help folks file a complaint against a company and, hopefully, get some sort of resolution. If you'd like help from me with filing a complaint against a company, and I'll do my best to help.

However, if you performed a search for a particular company and ARE looking for complaints about said company, then you arrived here as I hoped people would. I'm complaining about companies who either seem to not know how to operate their business properly or seem to care less about their customers, or both.

William A. Ford

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