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How-To File a Complaint

Last Updated: 11/28/2008

File your complaints in this order:

  • Original Company
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • Local News (print and/or on-air)
  • Online Complaint Forums/Sites
  • State and/or Federal Government (if relevant)

  • Some of these links are available on my Information Links page.

    I've had several folks contact me recently asking for help with filing a complaint against a company. I asked a real sweet lady named Beatriz if I could use our e-mail exchanges as an example of how I instruct folks on How-To File a Complaint Against a Company and she said, "…..I certainly don’t mind you using our e-mail chats not at all….. especially if this is a real life on-going issue not yet resolved…Beatriz H."

    Thanks Beatriz!! This is very kind of you!!

    If you still need advice or help with filing a complaint after reading this page, please and I'll do everything I can think of to help you file a complaint.

    I'll update this page and advice as needed.

    On Thursday, March 27, 2008 4:18 PM Beatriz H. wrote me the following e-mail: RE: Verizon account
    I am currently going thru the exact same thing with Verizon as we speak? I would like to get the same end result before Verizon ruins my credit!

    What do I do? Who can I contact to make sure this issue gets resolved? Obviously Verizon has been improperly handling this account.

    I saw your web site when I goggled Verizon complaints and what I can do….

    Beatriz H.

    On 2008-03-28 7:49 AM I replied:
    Hey Beatriz,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with Verizon.

    I have links to several places to report issues like this and get results, not from all of them mind you, but if at least one report helps...

    Start with the simplest first, the BBB...

    Write out a detailed explanation of what the problem is, what you've attempted so far to get it resolved, and the resolution you currently seek. Most large companies will respond to complaints filed with the BBB because they don't want bad marks on their record. If that doesn't work, then you move on to our government, but remember that they look into issues of protecting the consumer, not resolving petty issues.

    And, look through the other links on my InfoLinks page as well because there are different types of places to lodge complaints depending on the issue being dealt with. And, some of those links have more information available as well and are worth spending some time looking through.

    If you don't find satisfaction at that point, holler back at me so I can help you look elsewhere depending on the nature of your issue. I know you said that it is similar to mine, but you didn't offer any details so I'll hafta guess until you do share. :-)

    If you'd like to offer a complaint for me to post on my site, lemme know and we can discuss it.

    Please feel free to ask for clarification on anything I wrote and lemme know how things are going. I'll help if I can.

    Y'all take care!


    On Friday, March 28, 2008 5:47 PM Beatriz H. replied:

    I have sent in my story you may post if you wish!

    Below is my e-mail address, and you have my Promise is this gets resolved I will let you know!

    Beatriz H.

    On 2008-03-31 9:48 AM I replied:
    Hey Beatriz,

    Wow! You've had a lot of grief with Verizon. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with all of this from them.

    May I ask who you reported this to? This really sounds like it should be reported to the FCC and FTC as well as the BBB. I think both the FCC and the FTC should be involved to get this matter resolved faster than it would through only the BBB. Having an incorrect negative mark on your credit report is not good for anyone and needs to be resolved immediately. Please file a complaint with them as soon as you can.$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

    It will take me a day or two to get your story added to my web site, but I'll e-mail you as soon as I do for your approval. I do not edit anyone's writings in any way at all (other than to remove personal information), so it will be posted exactly as you wrote it. I will not publish or share any personal information about you, other than your first name, on the web site or with anyone for any reason. Thank you for trusting me Beatriz, but please be careful who you trust Online with personal information about yourself. It can be a dangerous world Online if you're not careful.

    Please let me know if I can do anything else to help you get this taken care of Beatriz. Good luck!!


    On Monday, March 31, 2008 1:14 PM Beatriz H. replied:
    Good morning. Bill…..

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share. I enjoy honest website like yours. I have been through hell and back. I certainly hope that there is someone out there that can help me get to the bottom of this and resolve my issues with Verizon, before they ruin my credit. I have reported my issue to the BBB. I need to report them to the FTC and the FCC. I will do this as we speak….

    Thank you and I will keep in touch!

    Beatriz H.

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