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Last Updated: 06/05/2005

My wife and I have been SunCom customers for about seven years now and have rarely had any problems with them, any serious problems anyway.

We always used whatever freebie Nokia they were offering and the Nokia's always worked. We had great connection just about any where we went, even when others with different providers and/or better phones couldn't get any reception at all.

Recently we decided to get our two sons cell phones of their own and get rid of our landline. We then added our two phones to the same package and were told we had to swap phones because our current phones wouldn't work with the "package" we wanted to use for all four of us. Considering she and I have always used the freebie Nokia's they would give us, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Within about four to six weeks SunCom was bought out by Cingular and we were informed that we would have to swap out all of our phones because the ones we had wouldn't work with Cingular's system. Ummm...didn't they just buy the system we're currently using?

Considering the boys had just spent over two hundred dollars each on their new phones and accessories they weren't happy being told they had to throw these away because Cingular doesn't use that model. They did get new phones that were just as nice as the ones they had, but no new accessories were included so all they had purchased for the previous phones were now useless.

Now, we had opted for a "No Roaming" calling plan, but since SunCom's "home area" ran from MD/D.C. all the way down to Florida, that wasn't an issue with us. Until we got our most recent bill from Cingular, that is. It had roaming fees on it.

When the Mrs. called Cingular to find out about these roaming fees, she was told that Cingular has been having problems with SunCom's towers and that's allowing the phones to roam even when they shouldn't. The Cingular rep then told the Mrs. that if she changed our plan over to a Cingular plan these problems would stop, but if she didn't it would keep happening every month. Since they do not have a plan even remotely similar to the SunCom plan we have, she declined. She informed them that they would be removing these fees every month they add them to our bill.

Now, here's a real pisser too, the roaming fees are coming from our local area...we're not even out of state when making these calls!! What the hell happened to the SunCom "home area" that ran from MD/D.C. to Florida!!?? The Mrs. found out that our SunCom package now has very spotty coverage in a very small area around Richmond, VA. That's it; No more, no less.

So, all in all, we now have calls frequently being dropped, we have lousy coverage, lousy reception, lousy customer service, and a company that doesn't know how to use the system it just purchased. Oh, and don't forget the armed guards outside of every Cingular store.

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